Practical solutions for the agile, high-performing business.

The experienced Forty8Fifty Labs software engineering team delivers custom application design and development, legacy system modernization and end-to-end solutions for DevSecOps. This gives companies the velocity and expertise they need to make their application ecosystem deliver true business value.

Improve experiences and efficiencies by design.

When it comes to customized software innovation, Forty8Fifty Labs delivers the practical solutions you need to achieve an agile, high-performing business. Our teams build and manage intelligent applications that improve how customers, employees and partners interact with our customers – improving their experiences and driving greater efficiency.

By leveraging human-centered design, we create delightful, responsive, secure applications powered by modern architecture and technology that’s easier to manage and faster to enhance. In fact, millions of digital experiences taking place today are powered by software created by the Forty8Fifty Labs team.

Custom Development

Our custom development projects will intuitively engage your customers and employees with the omni-channel experiences that drive loyalty and elevate engagement scores. Combining a proven methodology with a modern technology approach and field-proven experience, Forty8Fifty Labs delivers better software faster so you can transform at the speed of business.

Legacy Modernization

Application modernization is integral to your business’ ability to remain competitive in a changing business landscape. Stalling modernization could mean a significant increase in risk or cost. Forty8Fifty Labs is the expert in accelerating application and infrastructure modernization, transforming legacy systems into the modern enterprise your business needs to lead in a competitive economic climate.

DevSecOps Solutions

Today’s enterprises are faced with rapidly mounting complexity – from the shift to cloud-native and hybrid cloud environments to ever increasing security threats and a constantly evolving technology ecosystem. Forty8Fifty Labs helps today’s businesses achieve sustainable excellence across “Dev,” “Sec” and “Ops” teams for a more efficient, modern development lifecycle. Our proven devsecops model helps to build better software, faster, while striking the critical balance between empowering developers and enforcing standards so that you can realize time-to-value sooner.